Asiaq is working with our field program providing their extensive expertise and knowledge of Greenlandic climate, hydrology, soils, mapping, and data collection in the field.
The University of Greenland is involved with SILA through development of teaching modules focused on Greenlandic high school environmental science curriculum.
The Arctic Circle Business in a non-political independent organization that works to support various business activities in the region including tourism. They will support the development of our environmental civics activities.
The University of Florida Water Institute leverages the SILA program through its Water Institute Graduate Fellowship Program. This program supports interdisciplinary faculty-graduate fellow teams to conduct integrative research in an emerging area of water science.
Polar Field Services, Inc. is an expedition design, frontier logistics and extreme climate operations company that support the design and implementation of our field plans.
The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland will provide key discharge data for the proglacial Watson River.